Posts Tagged ‘Phone’

£5 Phone-The Samsung B130!

November 15, 2008

Okay this may sound like its not true but it is. Samsung have released a £5 mobile phone!
Yes it doesn’t have a camera or basically anything 😛
But it has a colour screen! Which is nothing special these days 😛
So yeah pretty cool huh!
A Quick Google Search for ‘Samsung B130’ will bring it up
Orange are selling it at £10 + a extra £10 for top-up.
Clicky Here

Anyway just thought you may want to know about it, my loyal readers 😛

Cheap Phones:K800i

September 15, 2008

Yep thats right the K800i is very cheap currently. It is just £50 (+£10 aritime).

It seems to have dropped sharply mainly due to the fact now you can get slim 3.2MP camera phones. It looks alright and due to my Dad having one it is very good at taking pics and music despite not being a walkman sounded brill too! 🙂

It uses the rather costly M2 memory format but now it can be picked up for around £10 for 2GB online. In-Store as the case with all memory cards are around £30 for 2GB!

2GB is the K800i’s limit on memory. So you can’t go and buy a huge 16GB memory card 😉

Its obvious feature is its very good 3.2MP camera. It proberly will have better image quality than some 5MP phones. Remeber resolution isn’t everything 😉

And like most phones nowadys it has 3G which means video-calling which will be hard due to no front facing camera (I think?) 😉

But 3G means quick downloading of music and streaming video actually is possible compared to the slow 2G phones!

It also has a blogging feature (I think its for images only) And you don’t have to worry about setting it up. The first time you blog a picture it sets it up! How cool is that! apart from you may end up with a name such as

I dunno what the name is but hopefully they might have teamed up with Blogger (boo) or WordPress (WOOT!)

Also you get some included head-phones. Heck thats better than most Nokias that ship with a 1 ear head-set but headphones are a extra £10 off ebay from Singapore! 😦

Brand New 8MP Sony Cybershot Phone! C905!

September 10, 2008

Sony are currently making a 8MP cybershot phone! I mean around 6/12 months ago 5MP was the new best thing! Clearly the public want more and more.

Gone where the days when you asked  “Has it got a camera?”

Now you say “Whats the cameras resolution!”

Very few people have a phone without a camera.

My Dad used to say “If it can receive and make calls and texts then its good enough!” But since he got his hands on a K800i he hasn’t said it since!

Cameras in Phones are now rivalling stand-alone cameras. People want to carry the least devices possible nowadays and phone manufacturers know that!