The Nokia N97!

December 20, 2008

Well I tried to get a picture but failed so I guess I will get a video!

Anyway It looks good and has a 3 and a half inch touchscreen. It also has a QWERTY keyboard. 

As with most phones it has a 5 Mega Pixel Camera. Its main feature over the iPhone is the fact it has a huge 48GB of memory

That could store 12 thousand 4MB songs!

Or 48 thousand pictures taken through its 5MP camera (at 1MB a image)

That should prove to you how much memory you acually get!

There is built in access to sites like facebook. And you can instant message on the go!

It will cost £470 without a contact although, as with most mobile phones, networks are going to subsidise it or even make it free on some contacts

Try out this random upside down text thing!

November 26, 2008

Found this thing on the internet

ɯoɔ ʇop sƃǝɯ007 ʇop ɥɔǝʇ looɔ ɯoɹɟ sı sıɥʇ

I am using w.blogger

November 15, 2008

Ok so I though that I would give one of these blogging posting things a go. Not that I don’t like the WordPress interface its just it takes too long to get there and its quite distracting. Well at least 2.7 is!
So after a quick Google search (gotta love Google) w.Blogger came up. I downloaded the portable one as I’m too lazy to install anything at the moment. 😛
But yeah it was quick to set up proberly taking around 5 minutes tops and bam it works. Well as you can see this post i t has worked! 😛
Anyway thats all! Bye! 😛

Mediafire. Quick and Good!

November 15, 2008

Okay so yes I have downloaded files from Mediafire but I haden’t ever uploaded to them. So today I registered a account (even though its not required to simply upload, I wanted better control over my files)
And I uploaded Google Chrome Portable to get a rough speed of uploading. And let me tell you it is good. Nice and fast. And it went straight into the folder I had created.
I like how the upload is on the homepage and the fact you select a file or hundred, click next and while you are creating a folder or deciding where to put it it uploads in the background.
So yeah. And yes it doesn’t have revenue sharing but meh you don’t make any money off them anyway unless you upload warez which i am clever enough to know you get in sh*tloads of trouble for it!
So you won’t see me uploading warez 😛

£5 Phone-The Samsung B130!

November 15, 2008

Okay this may sound like its not true but it is. Samsung have released a £5 mobile phone!
Yes it doesn’t have a camera or basically anything 😛
But it has a colour screen! Which is nothing special these days 😛
So yeah pretty cool huh!
A Quick Google Search for ‘Samsung B130’ will bring it up
Orange are selling it at £10 + a extra £10 for top-up.
Clicky Here

Anyway just thought you may want to know about it, my loyal readers 😛

Why I haven’t been posting

November 15, 2008


Well I should apologize for not posting recently. Real Life has been getting in the way of blogging 🙂 And thats proberly the way it should be! (No offence to you blogging nerds :P)

So on Thursday night I had a bunch of homework (as in around 10 pages)

Then yesterday on Friday Night I went to a Scout Sleepover, had lots of pizza and simply messed about! 😛

And so now its today and I have just got back from the sleepover. I = Tired at the moment 😛

So yeah theres the reason for me not posting!


November 12, 2008

Ok so we are almost ready to unveil proberly the coolest site yet (by us)!

Like getting free stuff? Well thats what we will give you. If will open tomorrow or on Friday.

How about

£10 (via PayPal!) for reffering just 20 people to a Free Lottery Site!

HMV Vouchers

Amazon Vouchers

iPod Shuffles!

And more!!!

And also this is the 50th post! WOOT 😛

How small is the ‘Free’

November 10, 2008


LOL! How small is the free on the BOXSTr upgrade plan. Just something random I came across 😛

I find that quite funny how they try to hide it! LOL

BTW 49th Post! WOOT! Soon there will be the big ’50’

The iPint

November 10, 2008

The iPint App for the iPhone

The iPint App for the iPhone-Fancy a Pint

Want a pint? Well thats what the iPint does for the iPhone. Using the iPhone accelorometer or whatever it is called it adjusts the beer angle!

And unlike at normal bars you don’t have to buy Pint after Pint after Pint. You buy one app and get unlimited beer*

*Hangovers and Drunkness Not included 😛

So yeah thats all I have to say on that! How long can you go on about a little beer app for the iPhone. Thats a good idea for a record. I AM NOT TRYING TO GO OFFTOPIC! 😛

So yeah bye!

Is Windows 7 Quicker than Vista?

November 10, 2008


A Typical Screenshot of Windows 7, Microsofts Upcoming OS

A Typical Screenshot of Windows 7, Microsofts Upcoming OS



Well despite what microsoft has said about Windows 7 “fixing many speed bugs” which should make it quicker. Is this actually true? 

Guess what the answer was?

It was a bunch of BS. A blogger did a test and the diffrence was….none

It makes it feel like its quicker by speeding up the front end but in tests such as office tests and video editing work etc it has no diffrence to the memory monster Vista.

So what Microsoft has cleveraly done is that they have spead up the front end so it feels quicker to the consumer. As what they want is the consumer to test out the OS in the shop and then think it is quicker, buy it then when they go home, install it and began to do proper work on it find that it is no quicker.

But they have bought it by then and opened it. This means they can’t return it which causes Microsoft to get the money!

Greedy Microsoft! Wait thats nothing new 😛